It's the first day since app-fight is online and yet there is so much happening about it.
Ramalooke has joined your team
Firstly, I'm very happy that my friend Ramalooke has joined me in the App-fight Organization. He's a briliant graphic artist and he agreed to create the App-fight design, and to run this site with me. That's fantastic because I barely can draw at all, and he's able to create a site designed in less then a week so stay tuned.The new - better - App-fight look is coming. coming soon
Secondly, we should have our brand new domains: and up and running soon. A tough decision ahead us is, which one will we use for our glorious project to use.For now we'll stay under I hope you'll help us with that decision.
Contest reminder
Lastly, our marketing campaign has already earned us some of The Judges. So far all of them are our friends, but we believe that's only the beginning and new people will join us when the information about app-fight will spread across the Internet.It's worth to send the information about our site to your friends, because when our Judge counter will hit 100 before 09.10.2011 we'll give small, yet worthy (I think), prizes to lucky 15 people! (Check here for the details)
So remember, the contest will last for (only!) 12 more days. So why wait?
ps. That nice poll on the right is begging for your votes!
ps. According to my latest idea, if you won't cast enough votes, I'll do my best to set a first fight in "Strategy -> Destroy buildings using a siege weapon" category. ;]
Till next time,
Myth Thrazz
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