

App-fight day 5: On the hunt

Hi there!

We're rather set-up for our beginning. The Judges are coming (slowly, but still), more and more people know about us, so it's time to search for the competitors for our first fight.

We've sent some e-mails to (well known) developers asking for information material about some of the (even better known) games that we're interested about.

Now we're waiting for the replies, but it doesn't mean we're just waiting. Our "iPhone/iPad/Android developer hunt" has just began.

Btw. Only 10 days remaining to enter our contest.

Till next time,
Myth Thrazz


App-fight day 3: Not for sensitives

Hi there,

I'm not a graphic artist, I know it, yet I want to share a piece of crappy photomanipulated thing I've created. 

From my programmers point of view it's a masterpiece.

Unfortunately I'm aware it's not, and that's the best I can do. No logo no fonts or nothing, just a rough concept.

Not being omnipotent is so sad. :(

App-fight concept logo by Myth Thrazz
(sorry for making your eyes bleed)

Till next time,
Myth Thrazz


App-fight day 2: New domains news

Hi there!

It's already the second day of App-fight. So here are the latest news about our project:


Our two new domains: and which I mentioned yesterday are finally working (both of these should redirect to at least for now). So take your pick. Maybe we should make a first battle to figure out which of these is better?

Ramalooke is working days and nights on our logo and App-fight design in general. I don't know yet how it would look like, but knowing Ramalooke it'll be quite awesome.

Edit: And here it is! Brand new domains and brand new look. And it's only the beginning...

I constantly think about how to let more and more people know about App-fight. So far Facebook works the best. On the other hand Google refuse to cooperate and index our site, what's a bit strange because Blogger is Google's service. But maybe we just have to wait a bit. Patience is definitely what we need.

We'd probably have to reconsider the project formula too, because it may be too hard to have a fight each week. It's just too much to organize. App-fight isn't our only 'child' (still the youngest ;)) so maybe the fights will  take place every two weeks? What do you think?

Finally I'd like to remind you about our Judge Encouragement Contest where you can win some $$$. Not much maybe, but it's almost 'Money for nothing'. ;)

Till next time,
Myth Thrazz


App-fight day 1: Preparations for the first fight

Hi there!

It's the first day since app-fight is online and yet there is so much happening about it.

Ramalooke has joined your team

Firstly, I'm very happy that my friend Ramalooke has joined me in the App-fight Organization. He's a briliant graphic artist and he agreed to create the App-fight design, and to run this site with me. That's fantastic because I barely can draw at all, and he's able to create a site designed in less then a week so stay tuned.
The new - better - App-fight look is coming. coming soon

Secondly, we should have our brand new domains: and up and running soon. A tough decision ahead us is, which one will we use for our glorious project to use.
For now we'll stay under I hope you'll help us with that decision.

Contest reminder

Lastly, our marketing campaign has already earned us some of The Judges. So far all of them are our friends, but we believe that's only the beginning and new people will join us when the information about app-fight will spread across the Internet.

It's worth to send the information about our site to your friends, because when our Judge counter will hit 100 before 09.10.2011 we'll give small, yet worthy (I think), prizes to lucky 15 people! (Check here for the details)

So remember, the contest will last for (only!) 12 more days. So why wait?

ps. That nice poll on the right is begging for your votes!
ps. According to my latest idea, if you won't cast enough votes, I'll do my best to set a first fight in "Strategy -> Destroy buildings using a siege weapon" category. ;]

Till next time,
Myth Thrazz


App-fight Judge Encouragement Contest

Hi there!

The information given below is not valid anymore. The Contest is canceled (see #6 of Rules). Thanks to all who participated.

An idea just came to my mind and I thought I can give there a chance.

I know that App-fight idea needs The Judges to work, so to encourage everybody to become a Judge I announce a contest. And here are the rules:

App-fight Judge Encouragement Contest Rules:

  1. The prizes:
    1. 1x 5$ (US dollars)
    2. 1x 2$ (US dollars)
    3. 3x 1$ (US dollar)
    4. 10x surprise gift
  2. To participate one has to (one or more of these):
    1. 'Like' using Facebook
    2. '+1' using Google+
    3. 'Join this site' using Google account
    4. 'Comment' using any account with valid, confirmable e-mail
    5. 'Vote in Poll' using any account with valid, confirmable e-mail
  3. To claim a prize one needs to have a PayPal account and answer one simple e-mail question after the end of the contest.
  4. The time to join the contest starts with the date of the publication of this post.
  5. Contest ends on 08 October 2011 00:00:00 (UTC+00:00) participation requests after this time will be invalid
  6. The contest will be canceled (that means no prizes will be given) if there will be less then 100 participants.
  7. The winners will be chosen  from all participants using a method as random as possible.
  8. The organizator restricts for himself the right for changing the duration of a contest, adding new prizes and changing the rule of chosing the winners.
I hope it's clear and fair. But if not, please contact me using the form or through the comments below.

Good luck in the contest and till the next time,
Myth Thrazz

App-fight Introduction & Rules

Hi there!

You like good iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android apps, don't you? So do I. But we all know how hard it sometimes is to find a really worthy game amongs thousands.

Sure we can ask our beloved friends, or check one of many app review sites in the Internet, but there are many sites and each one of them has hundreds of games reviewed and rated highly. But there's a much simpler method for finding out which of many apps is the best.

They have to fight each other.

But the fight has to be fair. So here are The Rules of an App-Fight:

  1. The apps must be designed for the same platform (iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android)
  2. The apps must should have the same price (why not let to compete with a handicap)
  3. The apps must belong to the same category
  4. The App-fight continues for 7 days
  5. The winner of an App-fight is determined by The Judges
  6. Every person who logs in the can be The Judge
  7. Every Judge can cast 1 vote in each fight
  8. The app with the most votes wins the title of "Best app in the XXX category YYYY"*
* XXX - name of the category, YYYY - year of the fight

I think that's enough for the fight rules, but if you have any ides/suggestions please let me know by leaving a comment or sending a message.

Ok, if we are clear with the rules it's time to explain how fighters and the category will be chosen.

Since the idea is fresh I think I'll have to choose the first two fighters arbitrarily. But later I'd like to have some sort of qualifications stage first (especially if there will be a lot of candidates for a fight). Of course I'll be always asking the Judges for their votes. 

I really hope for the users and developers contribution for this project since I think it could be fun, and useful for both groups.

So if you like this App-fight idea, please log-in, share and vote for the category of the first fight, and/or leave a comment.

Till next time,
Myth Thrazz the App-fight organizer